At Alert Alarm Company we believe in complete security. We want our customers to know that they’re safe and have peace of mind. There’s so many things that can disturb your peace of mind. That includes the burglaries fires and bad weather among many other things. Your security system liberal can offer you multiple ways protect your family and your valuables. Call Toni of alert alarm company at 620-598-2564 to schedule your free security analysis. Getting complete security is super important.
We are affiliated with which allows us to offer weather alerts on our panels. You may say well I don’t need to know what the weathers doing I have a cell phone. That is not the case. It is super nice we have the look dear panel and pull up the weather. You know before you even walk outside what the weather will be doing willing me cloudy windy rainy snowy. Your alert alarm panel will allow you to know exactly what’s going on with the weather.
However, Weather is unpredictable and quite scary at times. Especially during the springtime. With thunderstorms rolling through day and night most the time that’s just what they are thunderstorms. Occasionally though those thunderstorms come with serious weather like tornadoes or flooding. Sometimes it happens at night oversleeping. We do not want to be C caught in storm such as a tornado. With weather alerts your security system Liberal will alert you too severe weather sounding an alarm so you know that as a time to seek shelter.
One time here in Moscow we were all sound asleep we had no idea that the weather when he was even got getting bad. All of a sudden our panel starting going off. My husband and I jumped out of bed friend of the panel unlocked and saw that there was a tornado coming. We gathered up the kids and ran to the basement. Turn on the TV to see you with a new station was saying that the tornado, and they also said to seek shelter. Luckily for us the tornado dissipated and did not hit our small little town. However, it was near and with tornadoes being so unpredictable I was thankful that our alarm let us know that there was a tornado in the area. That is just my very own experience with the alarm panel alerting us to weather updates. I also enjoyed knowing but the weather’s going to be like the next day.
Weather updates on your panel could literally save your life someday and is just one of the many perks to security system liberal. Alert Alarm Company truly offers complete security. And Toni would love to set you up with your own free security analysis. Your analysis will help you get the security and the peace of mind you deserve. Call 620-598-2564 today and we will get you set up but the best security in southwest Kansas. We know you love it and feel more safe with it protecting your home and family.